Do some of the preferred caterers offer dessert?
How much is just coffee?
Coffee is part of your bar/beverage package. If no bar package is indicated (dry wedding), coffee is $.50/guest.
Do you provide tables for cards and gifts? Yes, upstairs at Hayloft entrance.
If the dessert is served downstairs, are the guests standing up?
There are several bistro tables available for sitting.
Will you and your staff make sure the dessert table is refilled?
In case all dessert doesn't fit on the table? Yes, the staff will arrange desserts on the dessert table and continue to fill it as needed.
Is there a fridge we can use to store the cake the day of the wedding?
Yes, we have a walk-in cooler and fridge.
If we are serving ice cream do you provide dishes or bowls? How about containers for toppings?
We provide bowls/spoons and napkins. We do not have dishes for toppings. Please refer to the dessert service fee.
Do you have enough freezer space to store ice cream barrels, do you provide a scooper?
Yes, we have enough freezer space and we will provide the ice cream scooper and staff to scoop the ice cream.
Do you have cake cutting utensils that we can use?
Yes, we have some that work very nicely for a couple’s cake cutting.