What are your thoughts on a wedding coordinator?
Is it necessary or do you both take care of most of those issues? If you are fairly organized, you probably don’t need one. We take care of everything related to the site and food at the venue on wedding day (please refer to your package details in initial inquiry response). A coordinator would be necessary if you felt you had a lot of décor and details to facilitate and didn’t want any family members or friends to oversee this. We recommend Rebecca Larson with RLWed - see Choice Vendors in Resources.
Will you be coordinating the day or do we need to have someone assign to make sure people are in the right place at the right time?
One of our staff will be the site manager for your day and ensure communication to your guests so that you are not responsible for keeping the timeline flowing.
How much are we insuring when getting Liability insurance?
$500,000. It is also important to select that you will be serving alcohol at the venue and name The Enchanted Barn, Inc. on your certificate of title. There is no additional charge to add The Enchanted Barn. www.websafe.com is a good option for insurance. They will send the certificate of title directly to the barn if you provide our email address on your application. (mail@theenchantedbarn.com)
Will water be available?
Self serve water will always be available for guests in the Milking Parlor. On especially hot days, we will put out water to be immediately available and accessible upon guest arrival.
The Table numbers, can I number them 1-27 or do they need to be the table numbers listed on the guest count seating chart?
We ask that you stick to our table numbers if you are using numbers. If you are going to use table names, we ask for a reference chart so we know which name you have designated to our table number. This will help us when we direct guests to their table if you are not having open seating. This also helps us keep track that we have the tables in the location you are expecting them.
Do you have a security deposit?
No, we have decided to not collect a security deposit with the understanding that if anything gets added that was not originally invoiced a new invoice will be sent after the day of the event. Any extra damages will also be billed to the party after the day of the event.
What is typically placed on the appetizer table after dinner?
We like to use this table to cut and serve the desserts so your guests can reach them from both sides. We also use this table for late night pizza. You may provide a layout of how this table should be set up after appetizers if it is simple and you wish for some décor to be added. We prefer for a family member or friend to take care of this if it is elaborate to ensure it is how you would like it.
Where in the barn do brides usually put their escort/table name cards?
Down in the milking parlor so that your guests can access them before dinner.
Do I need entrée/seating cards?
If you have guests eating all the same meal and you do not care where they sit, then no. If you have more than one entrée that the guests have chosen from then you will need to indicate that some way on a card for our serving staff to identify what to serve.